Back to School Tips for Kids with Braces

By August 20, 2014Uncategorized

The summer is quickly winding down with some kids already back in the classrooms. If you are going back to school with braces for the first time, you aren’t alone. While this can still be somewhat of an adjustment for you, as long as you take care of your braces, you will hardly notice them at all. Be prepared to take care of your teeth with braces this coming school year, ensuring your smile will remain as healthy as possible. Read our back to school tips for kids with braces below to make your school year healthy and easy!

Educate Yourself

Before going back to school, you should already know how to properly take care of your braces. This includes flossing, brushing, and eating the right things to keep your teeth healthy. Make sure you have the tools you need even during the school day to keep your mouth healthy. These hours you spend at school, especially after lunch, will be critical to your oral health.

Braces Bag

To ensure healthy teeth remain a priority throughout the school day, create a small bag similar to a pencil bag that is dedicated to your oral health. There are a few crucial things that must be added to this daily pouch including:

  • An extra toothbrush and toothpaste to use after lunch. This will allow you to remove food from your braces that is not only embarrassing, but can cause cavities and bad breath. Include floss as well.
  • If you have a retainer you wear, bring the case with you to school. This way you will have a secure place to keep it during lunch. Never wrap your retainer in a napkin during this time. More retainers are damaged or accidentally thrown away by this than any other way.
  • If you have rubber bands to accompany your braces, bring a few extra of these as well to change during the day. This will allow you to take them out while eating and put in a fresh new pair. Because the rubber bands lose their strength over time it is important to change them every couple of hours if possible.

Bring you braces bag to school every day or leave it in your locker to reap the benefits.

Maintain your Braces

Simply wearing your braces is not enough for good oral health, it is important to keep them safe from elements you may encounter at school. Two of the most important things to remember during this time include:

  • If possible during PE wear a mouthguard. This will protect your teeth from getting hit with a ball, elbow, or anything in between. These mouthguards can be simple and inexpensive or more complex in fitting to your mouth.
  • Avoid all the foods you normally would at home including sticky, chewy, and hard snacks. Be aware of the lunch menu and what you can eat versus what you should avoid.
  • Avoid sugary or highly pigmented drinks like soda, coffee, or sports drinks

Going to school with braces may seem like an adjustment, but there are ways to make it easier. Be sure to keep the resources you need on hand to keep your braces healthy and clean. If you have any questions, call our Utah Orthodontics office!