Finishing Touches

By May 31, 2016Uncategorized
beforeandafterIn 1998 the American Board of Orthodontics established an objective criteria for grading orthodontic finishes.  They estimate that nearly 50% of orthodontic cases fall below their minimum standards.
In a recent article by Dr. Larry Tadlock DDS MS entitled “Finishing – Short of the Mark”, he wrote about the causes of poor orthodontic finishes and noted that studies have shown that the simple act of systematically reviewing finished orthodontic cases improved results.
At McDonough Orthodontics we take this to heart. Our clinical team is trained to the standards of the American Board of Orthodontics.  To further reinforce the importance of a great orthodontic finish we review finished cases each month with the team and critically evaluate the results and the process.  This training holds the doctors accountable and teaches the team the importance of finishing with a beautiful smile and a healthy bite.
We make the extra effort to not only give patients a better result but to create the best clinical team possible and we think our patients can tell.