Happy Thanksgiving!

By November 16, 2019Uncategorized

As in its name, Thanksgiving is the time for us to reflect on what we are thankful for. We here at McDonough are thankful for you and for trusting us to be your orthodontist. We would also like to share with you what each of our staff is thankful for at this holiday time.

From our Front Office team:

“I’m thankful for pretty sunrises to wake up to” – Krystal

“I’m thankful for my cat and his ear-skers. I love that I have the most amazing co-workers ever! I am beyond thankful for coffee that keeps me alive!” – Meg

“I am thankful for my health.” – Carly

“I’m thankful for my family and the love and support they give me. I’m also grateful to have a job I love and work with people I love!” – Amber B

From our Clinic team:

“I am grateful for a wonderful family that supports and loves me, a great place to work with wonderful people and great friends.” -Juli

“I am grateful for my family and children.” – Tabbatha

“I’m thankful for my supportive family and friends. I’m also thankful for the gospel and this beautiful world we live in.” – Maddy

“I’m so grateful for my education, family and job.” – Kennedy

“I’m grateful for my family and all our many blessings.” – Krysten

“I’m thankful for my family, they bring me joy every day.” – LaNette

“I am very grateful to have a great team and Doctor to work with. I am also grateful for the opportunity to spend my free time with my family.” – Amber W

“I am grateful I have a home to live in, food to eat and a job to come to every day! I am also grateful for Doctors and modern medicine to help my father. I am so thankful to be married to a loving husband!” – Aubrey

From Dr. Dave:

“So grateful to work with the world’s greatest patients and the world’s greatest team! I’m grateful for my kids and beautiful wife and their good health and endless support. I’m grateful for a great country that provides opportunities to learn and grow and progress and help one another.”

We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Dr. David McDonough & Team
McDonough Orthodontics