Ensuring your orthodontist has received the proper training and schooling is essential. An orthodontist is a dentist who, after completing dental school, continues with training. Dr. David McDonough has completed a Bachelor’s degree, Dental degree and Orthodontic degree.
Years of experience
Practice makes perfect. Dr. David McDonough has years of experience and has straightened over 1,000 smiles in Utah and is looking forward to many more year to come.
Board Certification
Being Board Certified indicates that your orthodontist are proud members of the AAO, ADA, UAO, UDA, local study groups and are both diplomats of the ABO. Dr. Mark and Dr. Dave are both “Board Certified” and are proud members of the American Association of Orthodontists, Diplomate American Board of Orthodontics, and the American Dental Association.
You will spend a lot of time with your orthodontist and their team. Make sure that he/she is someone that you can communicate with and work with, and someone who will enjoy working with you. At McDonough Orthodontics we love our patients and consider it a privilege to treat each one.