Flossing daily is Important, Especially if you wear Braces Did you know that most people lie about how often they floss? Most people aren’t telling their Orthodontist the whole truth…
Almost everyone has braces at some point in their lives, so why not make the best of it? Most people are afraid that braces will be a huge, ugly disturbance…
There are many foods known to stain teeth, so you may wonder what foods can help whiten your teeth. While the quickest ways to whiten teeth come in the form…
Wearing braces isn’t fun, but they are often necessary to have a straight, beautiful, and healthy smile. For most people, the hardest part of wearing braces is giving up their…
After you are finished with your braces, your orthodontic care doesn’t just stop here. In most situations, a retainer is required after braces to ensure your teeth will remain in…
Celebrities are looked to for a variety of reasons, but none so much as for their style. Some of the biggest heart throbs are admired for their pearly whites. Take…
Even with all the good braces do for our teeth, there are some situations where they may cause some discomfort. Although the pain is usually brief, it can still be…
As an adult, the prospect of braces can be unappealing. You may feel as though everybody is looking at your teeth rather than at you. Some may think you look…
While getting your teeth corrected, there are many terms that you may not be familiar with used to describe your mouth. To be involved in the process, and ensure you…
If you are self-conscious about your teeth, have jaw problems, or want perfectly straight teeth, orthodontics is your saving grace. Here are a few of the most common problems we…